Healthy employees and a healthy business go hand in hand. If your team functions well physically and emotionally then they are likely to be happier, more engaged and more productive in your business.

How healthy is your team?

Mental and physical health problems are not always easy to spot. Some conditions can worsen gradually while others could just remain undiagnosed or unnoticed.


Monitoring the mental and physical wellbeing of your team is a proactive tool that allows you as an employer to provide the support your team needs to stay well.

Healthy employees = healthy business

Our comprehensive range of testing ensures your employees will be made aware of any risk areas and then given the support they need to protect their physical and mental health.


The reporting you receive will allow you to track and monitor the wellbeing of your total workforce. You can use the results to drive positive change and measure the impact of any initiatives you introduce.

Monitor your team’s health with WorkAble wellChecks.

1:1 consultations with recommendations to seek medical advice where necessary.

Regular reporting and tracking service, allowing you to monitor the collective health of your team over time and in support of health and safety policies.


We come to you. Our testing service can be mobile to suit your needs.


Full range of medical checks available

  • Blood pressure
  • Body Mass Index (BMI) test and waist circumference
  • Cholesterol
  • Blood Glucose Test
  • Vision Test
  • Hearing Test
  • Spirometry / lung function
  • Mobility test
  • Mental wellbeing checks
  • Stress level tracking
  • Mental wellness assessment

All of our medical tests are carried out by an experienced registered nurse.

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