Infection Control is the design and implementation of procedures that control and limit the spread of infectious diseases like COVID-19. Our Infection Control services are designed to make it easier for you to modify your workplace so that your business can still operate while protecting your employees from COVID-19.

We offer 3 levels of Infection Control services. Choose from our Infection Control Webinar, our Infection Control (workplace) Audit, or combine the two services to enjoy complete support as you identify and implement controls to make your workplace safe.

Infection Control Webinar

Using online communication tools, our 45 minute interactive webinar takes your business through the logistics of Infection Control. We will explore the guidelines and protocols you need to follow to safely operate your business during the COVID-19 outbreak.


Our trainer will cover topics like government guidelines, social distancing, hygiene protocol and contact control. Working together we will then create detailed, tailored Infection Control solutions that your business can implement to protect your employees and customers, while preventing the spread of infection in your workplace.

Infection Control Audit

Once you have implemented the necessary controls, our auditor can visit your workplace and audit the procedures and processes you have put in place. A full audit will be carried out to help you ensure that all measures have been properly applied.


All companies who successfully pass our Infection Control Audit are issued with an Infection Control certificate.

Infection Control Webinar and Audit

Combine our webinar and audit and enjoy complete support as you implement Infection Control solutions for your business. Our quick, responsive service allows you to identify the right Infection Control procedures and protocols to apply to your workplace.

What does Infection Control look like in your workplace?

Implementing effective Infection Control will halt the spread of COVID-19 and keep your employees safe.


To stop illnesses like COVID-19 spreading in your workplace, it is important to have a complete plan of attack. This begins with preventing illness from entering your workplace and extends to ensure that any infection that does enter your workplace is not spread and is effectively removed.

How do I stop infections like COVID-19 from entering the workplace?

You can prevent infection from entering your workplace by restricting access to your premises. It is important to remember that work premises include all work vehicles and locations provided by you that your employees visit to work.


Restricting access to your premises includes reviewing which employees need to come to work and who can work from home; creating and maintaining a contact tracing database; reviewing policy for visitors to your work premises; ensuring your employees understand what they should do if they get sick; and introducing hygiene measures at the entrance to your building, for example hand sanitiser by the front entrance.

How can I stop the spread of infections like COVID-19 within the workplace?

Social distancing and good hygiene practices are essential tools to control the spread of infections like COVID-19.


Social distancing keeps your employees at least 2 metres apart at all times and restricts the flow of people in enclosed areas like public bathrooms and kitchens. There are a variety of strategies that can be adopted to ensure that your staff are not gathering in numbers, for extended lengths of time, or risking a situation where social distancing can not be maintained.


Where business processes are identified that require close proximity, PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) can be issued or modifications to working environments considered that involve protective screening to remove the risk of infection.


Good hygiene practices are key to preventing the spread of infection within your workplace. This includes both employee hygiene and workplace hygiene – namely the cleaning procedures used to keep your workplace clean.


As an employer you must provide clear direction and equipment so that your employees can wash or sanitise their hands frequently, wherever a contact risk is identified.


A full audit of cleaning practices is recommended so that all areas – including high traffic or high risk areas – are being regularly and thoroughly cleaned and disinfected. This should include a review of cleaning procedures for work vehicles and details like how cleaning waste products are disposed of.

When should I implement my Infection Control plan?

We recommend beginning your Infection Control journey today. WorkAble is working closely with the relevant authorities to ensure we have the most up-to-date information available.


Before your business re-opens, the government requires you to ensure that your workplace is prepared and safe for your employees to work in.


Planning the Infection Control for your workplace will allow you to take advantage of any changes in Alert Level and opportunities to re-open your business as quickly as possible.

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